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Writer's picturerealshepower

The Uncanny Power of Decision

'Your life is your making', 'KARMA', 'What you sow, you reap'. We are surrounded by such sayings. But we hardly ponder upon the nuances of these age-old anecdotes. From where I see it, it's a matter of decision! The very moment when we decide to do or not do something.

To think of it every decision creates our lives. We can decide to continue reading this post or close the tab and open some other site. We can decide to sit in front of the laptop, mobile, tablet or put them aside to have a delightful or annoying conversation with the person sitting beside. Each and every decision, small or big makes us who we are.

So decide! Decide your life! Ask yourself are you happy with your life? Are you happy with who you are? If yes, then decide to continue living the way you have been. If not, then decide to change. Decide to switch off your gadgets and meditate, or talk to someone you love. Decide to not switch off your gadgets and still manage to talk to your loved ones. Decide. Decide every day in the morning how you want this day to go. And then, commit yourself to your decision.

Always remember, not following your decision is also a decision.

P.S. He decided to sit and not jump. His decision. (Pun unintended)


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