To travel is to be free. To travel is to seek the unknown. To travel is to look beyond our own walls. We, humans, seek knowledge. Now, this knowledge could be hidden in the worn-out pages of old books or it may be hidden in the shadows of the dark woods. In this list, I shall pin down some travel destinations where our spiritual mind can be fed as it can be seen after dolphins were seen on the banks of Italy.
1. Sanctuary of Apollo
The sanctuary of Apollo can be traced back to 1500 B.C. The enchanting place is located in Delphi, Greece and is one of the richest places in terms of Greek mythology. Where would you go to seek the deepest desires of your spiritual mind? As Neo would, you should visit the oracle. That’s right! It is said that the sanctuary of Apollo was the home of the Oracle. Keeping aside the spirituality, Mount Parnassus is where one seeks the divine.
2. Sedona, Arizona
Located approximately about 100 miles to the great Grand Canyon, Sedona is considered to be the host of the energy vortex. Well, if you do not believe in the vortex, the scenery is enchanting enough to refill your spiritual mind. The place is a must go in order to filter out the evil of the mind and the mindfulness and spa parlours are a brownie.
3. The western wall, Israel
Israel’s one of the most prominent tourist attractions is the western wall. The place is where King Herod built a temple, around which lies the wall. Jerusalem as a whole is considered to be a holy city and the sheer beauty of the place hits the inner mind. This is where religion has no walls. Quite an irony, isn’t it?
4. Borobudur, Indonesia
Amidst the island of Java, Indonesia lays the immortal Borobudur. The name suggests someplace Lara croft would be interested in. Here, lays a giant Mandala using millions of stone blocks. Here, visitors come to witness the beauty and to worship. It is said that the structure that is present reflects Nirvana. Now, that is a must for spirituality seekers.
5. Camino de Santiago, Spain
In Santiago de Compostela, rests the tomb of St James. Travellers from all around the globe visit Camino de Santiago in order to dig deeper in order to grasp spirituality. Well, it’s not all meditation and peace; you can ride a horse and cycle through the heritage. This place is dear to Instagram and Pinterest.
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About the Author
Poonam Chatterjee is a 26-year-old budding author, pet lover, and foodie. From a tender age of ten, she found her calling in the written word and since then, has been scribbling away her unconventional ideas, sometimes in the last pages of notebooks and sometimes on online blogs. Writing gives her happiness like no other thing.Â